Saturday, February 6, 2010

Index Of Mature Movies What Do You Think About The Race Card? Serious Anwers Only For Mature Adults!?

What do you think about the race card? Serious anwers only for mature adults!? - index of mature movies ...
See the link above. Are not we as Americans spent more? BTW, I am a minority who are Hispanic and the 1 Generation grew up in areas with low incomes, they have the experience of racial issues.

Could it be that people who took offense at this cartoon looks far into the issues of race, I think, (no longer there, I mean white Americans and Hispanics as well). The American black culture thrives. Example: training, practice the music industry itself, goes to the prices in the movies, now president of the United States and in the list, and ......... .

How long should one pay attention to what they say about Black culture. Frankly, when I look at this cartoon and I had to have thought nothing race, except that I saw the title of this article. I thought that politicians in general, as the monkey.

Let's say it was a caricature of a Mexican eating a taco, that would never make a racial scandal. And it is culturally acceptable MAKand the fun of white culture in cartoons all day. But if it was about the black culture has always been very careful what you say.

Is it still? Is there someone from this sensitive subject only to the offended (and I mean no one) within the meaning of all cultures.

Please note that I am not trying to offend anyone or cultures. Only answer if you say something serious and intelligent.


Danni is a man bay-bee said...

Personally, I'm tired.

Ford Prefect said...

If you see a cartoon monkey with a lot have a parody of a black man ... Then arrange with our black president dead monkey in the form of questions .... They have a rascist flagrant and very public example of rascism and a statement that can make effective use of the death of President .... nothing good here

Watchful Occupier said...

People who should be offended by this silly cartoon, be taken seriously in their skin. So far as to say the only people who have seen that someone was apparently offended liberals know. You all the time. This is a document of New York. You know, New York, where all the so-called intellectuals, liberal democrats. You are the owner.

34th B.G. - USAAF said...

Rebecca Ditto - the personal profile.

I think these clowns are mentioned realization (finally), which are an anachronism. They are unemployed. You can not say that the white man is more than their maintenance. So - who dream of things.

Pathetic. More is unfortunate that many uneducated and / or stupid people blindly follow their example.

Dirt Poor said...

You're right, and it is a very sensitive issue. I think not many people say it diplomatically, "enough", because in the end would ultimately lead to offend anyone, what I try to do first.


I think we have a Q of the rappers and the young generation. In today's world, a number * gga "is a friend, colleague, friend, what they do. Overcame the obstacle course we have it.

Josette said...

I am disgusted by women rappers to insult all the time. Unfortunately, this is cool.

Marcia B said...

I think the phrase has become meaningless. Every time someone references ethnicity in any way ... someone called the "race card".

♥ said...

I wish I could use the race card, but I also know I think you can not?
Please accept me as am the best answer, I know because I know!
* Boo Boo-hoo-hoo *

Queen Bee said...

I agree with you and no, I do not think it will never change the world is becoming a victim

Rebecca M said...

I answered a previous question on this same thing, and I am such a large amount of thumbs down, but here it is again. Racism is kept alive by people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Reverend Wright, etc. They are professional agitators and pot if they follow the "race" arguments have a direct employment. Please believe me, you hear the news and see how quickly they appear to cry racism.
I myself am a minority, a white woman, single mother of a child with special needs for 50 years. Blacks could not vote before women have? The women were treated like slaves for a year.
I do not believe that slavery was wrong and we should be ashamed for treating people like that. You bet. It's been a long time since slavery and continued for many years by Rosa Parks on the bus. While the responsibility for ensuring that things will never awakened peace between black cultures.

shawn g said...

I do not think that racism will never disappear. You always have people who hate, no matter what. Blacks seem to do everything possible for the race in those days, Tho. I am not racist by any means. But I mean, look how long they violate the law and kill people on the street? Black. But who says what I said, they would be racist. (And I'm sure it will know also here) to be called that any racial problem. But you can not pull the race card if they cause any laws and issues. So many people act differently around him, and visibly. However, whites still identify with the racist, though I think most people with black skin color. All races have their good and bad. Who will never change

PATRIOT said...

The race was a map nuke "minority" for a long time. When the debate over his head, "Nuke 'em with the Race Card. Discussion. Unfortunately, most people are moving past the racial issues and the race card has the power to lose. Maybe the reason why a person is the nuclear scientist on grounds of race, but because they are too stupid.

Q Continuum said...

Racism is not nearly as big a problem as angry members of the plaintiff minority Would you believe. I do not hate people because of their race. I hate them because of their race and they always complain about all hated him for it. If you work hard and take personal responsibility for themselves, I would, without distinction of race

The people called Bush a monkey, and not racist. I call Obama a monkey. Bush and Obama have done a lot of similar physical characteristics.

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